Preschool Goals

  • to provide children with hands on learning experiences that allow them to make choices and develop a love for learning
  • to prepare children both socially and academically for the next step, and for life

Weekly Tuition Fees

2023-2024 Academic Year

Gross Monthly income < $6,250
Gross Monthly income $4,001- $6250
Gross Monthly income < $4,000
Gross Monthly income < $3,500
Gross Monthly income < $3,000

Monthly Tuition Fees

2023-2024 Academic Year

Gross Monthly income < $6,250
Gross Monthly income $4,001- $6250
Gross Monthly income < $4,000
Gross Monthly income < $3,500
Gross Monthly income < $3,000
Part Time: 2 or 3 days per week at $119.00 per day (4 day enrollment charged as full week)

Payment Options

  • Weekly (every Friday)
  • Bi-Weekly (every other Friday) = Double the weekly fee each payment.
  • Semi-monthly (the 1st and 15th of each month) = Half the monthly fee each payment.
  • Monthly (the 1st of every month)

Late Fees

  • PICK UP AFTER 6pm: $10.00 for every 5 minutes (i.e. 6:01-6:05 = $10, 6:06-6:10 = $20, etc.)
  • TUITION PAYMENTS: A late fee may be charged for late tuition payments.


Discounts & Payments

  • MONTHLY PAYMENTS: 5% discount off weekly rates (discounted monthly rates are listed).
  • SIBLINGS: 10% discount given to the sibling(s) being charged the lowest tuition fee(s).


Tuition is Due in Advance

  • WEEKLY payments are due by closing on Friday evening for the upcoming week.
  • MONTHLY payments are due on the first of the month for the upcoming month.
  • CHILDCARE FEES are billed whether children are present or not
  • CREDIT FOR VACATION is NOT given at any time during the year.

What The Parents Say